Environmental Outreach & Education
EOE's Projects
Project 1. Weekly Newsletter
With so many environmental clubs at Cal Poly, it can be challenging to know how to get involved. With EOE's weekly newsletter, "CP Green Space" students can get informed on upcoming events hosted by clubs on campus, learn a little about the current news in environmental science, and even learn a few tips on how to improve every life decisions to make a difference in the world.
These newsletters will also feature a variety of students that are doing something outstanding with environmental science, have a creative idea about climate change, have created art samples with sustainability themes, and much more!
Project 2. Residential Life Poster
With so many new freshman on campus and living alone for the first time, it is essential to instill life-long earth conscious habits! With our monthly themed posters, we hope to educate freshman on how to live more sustainable lives, and also motivate them to get out and appreciate the great outdoors! Other fun events such as hikes, beach clean-ups, and leadership opportunities are also advertised on these posters! Contact us if you are interested in getting your event featured!
Project 3. Local Government
While small scale measures DO make a difference, any larger changes will come in time with governmental laws. We are working towards creating a time and place for EOE and other interested clubs and individuals to meet with San Luis Obispo Mayor Heidi Herman to discuss the changes we would like to see in our local area. While everyone may not have time to participate in three to five hour town hall meetings, everyone should get the chance to voice their opinions and keep the discussion around the environment open and transparent. Stay tuned for time and place!